Ballyvourney Jig set figs 1-5 (complete)
Set dancing: on 2022-02-23 we did all five figures of the Ballyvourney Jig set. It was only our second rehearsal of figures 1 & 2 and first rehearsal of figures 3, 4 and 5. And look how good we look already!
- 6:15-6:30pm Warm up: Connemara step, Clare step
- 6:30-7pm Set dancing: Ballyvourney Jig set – Finish up the set with figures 3, 4 and 5
- 7-7:10pm During transition to step dances: Brush Dance
- 7:10-7:30pm Learning: Julie’s Back porch reel – Maggie Pickie
- 7:30-8:15pm Practice: Grace O’Maille/Finale – Hills of Donegal – Maev’s Jig
2022-02-23 Ballyvourney Jig set